One Piece Mobile Jack |
Japanese Title:ONE PIECE モバイルジャック
Romaji:Wan Pīsu Mobairu Jakku
Developer:Bandai Networks
Publisher:Bandai Namco
Original Price:¥315 per month[1]
Release Date:August 1, 2005 (i-mode) December 1st, 2008 (Yahoo!Keitai)
Platform:DoCoMo (i-mode) SoftBank (Yahoo!Keitai) au (EZweb)
Genre(s):App, Varied
One Piece Mobile Jack (モバイルジャック), officially shortened to Moja (モジャ), was a subscription service available for DoCoMo, Softbank, and au mobile flip phones, with applications and games first releasing for DoCoMo, followed by au phones later on, and lastly Softback phones which recieved the service on December 1st, 2008.[2] Initially, the service came with two types of applications available for download: the Email App and Battle Apps. Later on, Mobile Jack offered RPG apps which were more in-depth story driven games compared to the simple games offered at the start.
The Pirate Email App involved a the various characters delivering the users mail aboard the Going Merry, as well as having a "Partner" that could appear in the phones menu[3], where the RPG Apps & Battle Apps consisted of various games such as adventure, board, card, & fighting games. Battle Apps would come out monthly and would be available for download as their own individual applications.[4]
Mobile Jack initially released on August 1, 2005 and came with only 5 applications at the start: the Pirate Email App, Battle Keshi Keshi Piece, Little Garden Adventure, Swordsman Roronoa Zoro, and Captain Usopp's Famous Shooting.
Release Date(s): |
Original: |
August 1, 2005 |
Light Version: |
May 30, 2006 |
Pirate Email App:
The Pirate Email App (海賊船アプリ) was one of the first applications available through One Piece Mobile Jack, advertised as an interractive and enjoyable way to recieve and send emails. Users got their own Going Merry that they could decorate and fill with characters of their choice. New decorations, such as a parasol or cannon, were available for purchase using points obtained in various Battle Apps like Swordsman Roronoa Zoro and Captain Usopp's Famous Shooting. Similarly, the user could get challenge mail from an enemy in game, this allowed the player a chance to obtain more points by accepting and completing the challenge in a specific Battle App. Users could also interract with the characters that they placed aboard their ship, being able to tap or pet them to get animated reactions.[5]
Inside the app, the user could sail to 4 various ports inhabited with other pirates and a "Pirate Boss" that the player could challenege and defeat in the seperate Battle Apps. On top of being able to send emails to friends, the app also featured a way for the user to form their own "Pirate Group" with friends within the app as a form of social media and messaging. This also coincided with the Battle App scores and early game rankings, with rankings available either by individual user or by the aformentioned Pirate Group.[6]
Light Version:
Just over half a year past the initial release, Bandai introduced the Light Version (メールアプリLight版) of the Email app that was more practical and user friendly. While the original application had email creation with a brown backdrop similar to aged paper, the light version offered a white and blue backdrop with softer details including a faded Going Merry in the background. This also coincided with quality of life changes such as making it easier for the player to switch out which characters they see on the ship as well as offering new seasonal items for ship decoration. Lastly, since it was a streamlined version for productivity, the "Sail Away" command had been removed and the user no longer recieved "Event Mail".[7]
Release Date(s): |
August 1, 2005 |
Little Garden Adventure:
Little Garden Adventure (冒険のリトルガーデン) was a side scrolling Battle App that featured the player as Luffy making his way across levels to get from Whiskey Peak to Little Garden. Throughout the run, Luffy would have to beat various enemies like tigers, Baroque Works members, and the giants of Little Garden: Dorry & Brogy. If players needed, they could restore health by eating fruit they found along the stage.[5][8]
Release Date(s): |
Original: |
August 1, 2005 |
Zoro II: |
May 7, 2007 |
Swordsman Roronoa Zoro:
Swordsman Roronoa Zoro (剣豪ロロノア・ゾロ) is a reflex game where the player controlled Zoro as he stood in place to defeat enemies as they appeared from different sides of the screen, being able to slash left, right, and above using the directional pad and attack button. The player could work up to special attacks such as "Onigiri/鬼斬り" and "Tatsu Maki/龍巻き" by filling a gauge, but similarly had to survive special attacks from bosses who would appear at the end of stages. The story covered up the Arabasta Arc and featured enemies such as Cabaji, Buggy, Hatchan, and Mr. 1. The users life gauge and score were shown at the bottom of the screen while a combo counter and hit percentage was shown at the top.[5][9]
Swordsman Roronoa Zoro II: The Legend of Santoryuu
Swordsman Roronoa Zoro II: The Legend of Santoryuu (剣豪ロロノア・ゾロⅡ 三刀流無双剣客伝) was released two years later and featured an updated story with more enemies, attacks, and stages. In addition, new moves like "Iai/居合" (Draw and Sheath), "Nenbutsu/連撃" (Barrage), and "Shingan/心眼" (Mind's Eye) were added that required the player to meet special conditions in order to activate. The new story continued up to the Water 7 Arc and featured enemies like Foxy and Kaku.[10][11]
Release Date(s): |
August 1, 2005 |
Battle Keshi Keshi Piece:
Battle Keshi Keshi Piece (バトルけしけしピース) is a puzzle/battle game where the player would control Luffy and 'pop' tiles that featured the Straw Hats faces on them in order to attack enemies. As the player popped blocks, they would fill a gauge at the top of the screen, and if they filled their gauge faster than the enemy, they would perform a successful attack. This required the player to pop tiles in more elaborate orders as the stages were raised in difficulty but rewarded massive power when a large number of tiles was poped at once.[5][12]
Release Date(s): |
August 1, 2005 |
Captain Usopp's Famous Shooting:
Captain Usopp's Famous Shooting (キャプテンウソップの名射撃) is a game where the player takes control of Usopp's point of view to aim and shoot at various enemies before they could attack. The screen was broken up into a 3x3 grid so that players could quickly use the number pad to pick the correct panels and shoot targets. The game featured various stages that corresponded with different scenes in Syrup Village like the village entrance and Kaya's mansion. Players also had to be wary not to shoot allies like some of the various Usopp Pirates that would appear. Additionally, the player had access to 3 seperate types of ammo, with the standard and infinite ammo being Lead Stars, and a finite ammount of Ketchup Stars and Gunpowder Stars.[5][13]
Release Date(s): |
September 5, 2005 |
Sanji's Cooking Class:
Sanji's Cooking Class (サンジの料理教室) was the first game to be added to the One Piece Mobile Jack lineup and featured various cooking minigames where the player could chop, season, and prepare food to Sanji's instructions. These would then go on to be judged by Sanji who would reward the player in Belly depending on how well it was done.[14][15]
Release Date(s): |
October 13, 2005 |
Dash!! Drum Island:
Dash!! Drum Island (激走!!ドラム島) is side scrolling game where the player can control either Luffy, Zoro, or Sanji and make their way through different courses for the best time. Players had to jump over holes and attack/avoid obstacles in order to continue running in hopes of reaching the end. The difficulty of each level depended on the character chosen at the beginning of the run, with Zoro being the easiest, Luffy at a moderate difficulty, and Sanji at the highest difficulty. At the bottom of the screen was a marker to show how much of the track they had run through, as well as a 'Tension Gauge' (テンションゲージ) and a 'Speedometer' (スピードメーター). The Tension Gauge would fill every time the character ate their favorite food or knocked out a obstacle, gaving the player the ability to run faster and, in turn, get better times. You could also see the tension by the different faces each character made as it filled up.[16][17][18]
Release Date(s): |
November 8, 2005 |
Sea King Fishing:
Sea King Fishing (海王類フィッシング) is a fishing game allowing the player to control either Luffy, Zoro, or Chopper and fish up certain Sea Kings as per Sanji's request. The player can move to different points on the map in order to fish in those locations for certain Sea Kings. If successful, the player was rewarded in Belly which can be exchanged at Usopp's workshop for better fishing gear, this way the player can unlock the capabilities to fish up bigger Sea Kings and make their way to the strongest. Sea King Fishing offered multiple modes, with 'Mission Mode' being challenges where Sanji gives advice on certain fish to go after.[19][20][21]
Release Date(s): |
January 19, 2006 |
Chopper Adventures:
Chopper Adventures (チョッパー冒険記) is a side-scrolling adventure game where the player controls Chopper as he goes to different islands to fulfill certain tasks such as getting medicine to cure Luffy's stomach ache, finding ingredients for Sanji to cook with, or rescuing a lost Zoro. The player is able to explore stages and take on 3 of Choppers different forms for movement and fighting: Walking Point, Heavy Point, and his usual Brain Point. Chopper would also have to survive adversaries on the various stages, such as Drophy in Arabasta or Gedatsu on Upper Yard. Special items would also appear in the center of each stage for the player to collect.[22][23]
Release Date(s): |
Original: |
February 4, 2006 |
Dodgeball 2: |
September 20, 2007 |
Pirate Dodgeball:
Pirate Dodgeball (海賊ドッジボール) is a sports game where the player controls the Straw Hat Pirates and facing rival groups like the Buggy Pirates. While the game generally followed the standard rules of dodgeball like catching the ball or hitting an opponent to get them out, it also featured various special moves unique certain characters that could increase movement or overall power.[24][25][26]
Pirate Dodgeball 2:
Pirate Dodgeball 2: Explosive Dodge Carnival (海賊ドッジボール2~爆裂ドッジカーニバル~) was a sequel to the first Pirate Dodgeball game and was released a year and a half later. This version was themed around the Water 7 Arc and featured the Straw Hats playing Dodgeball with the city in the background. It also introduced Franky and members of the CP9 as players new players. It also included enhanced and more colorful graphics, as well as new unique and powerful moves.[27]
Release Date(s): |
Original: |
February 16, 2006 |
Flash Version: |
September 3, 2007 |
Page One Piece:
Page One Piece (ページワンピース) is a card game in which the player chooses to play as one of the Straw Hats in a 4 person match. Players could win games to collect Belly which would be used to unlock new music, customize cards, and unlock additional characters. Each character had their own unique "Joker" effect that could come into play, giving incentive to unlock new characters for the abilities.[28][29]
Flash Version:
The Flash edition of Page One Piece offered nicer graphics and a more colorful background as well as an additional "Standard Mode". While "Standard Mode" is thought to be a more simplified version focused more on the card game itself, the original games gimmick of having "Joker" effects for each character returned under the newly named "One Piece Rule Mode". This verision was exclusive to flash phones.[30]
Release Date(s): |
Original: |
March 31, 2006 |
Flash Version: |
October 9, 2007 |
Pirate Othello:
Pirate Othello (海賊オセロ) is a One Piece themed Othello mobile game that allowed the player to choose one of the Straw Hat members to play as and face off against other characters. Players would earn points for winning games that could be exchanged for various backgrounds and additional characters to play as. The game also featured different visual effects such as having chibi versions of the Straw Hats on the board who would react as you placed and flipped pieces. The game also included a ranking function that would keep track of consectuive wins, both against the computer and online against other players.[31][32]
Flash Version:
The Flash edition of Pirate Othello was released later the same year and offered a similar experience as the original. This verision was exclusive to flash phones.[33]
Release Date(s): |
April 24, 2006 |
Showdown! Donjara Island:
Showdown! Donjara Island (対決!ドンジャラ島) is an original two player board game featuring various One Piece characters faces on tiles. Players would try to match tiles of the same characters, or make special combinations of different characters, which would trigger a "Don!" and award points. Players with the most points at the end of the 3 rounds would win, while any players who reached 0 would lose automatically. It was possible to unlock more character tiles to use after reaching enough wins, allowing the player to use more character combinations and special moves.[34][35][36]
Release Date(s): |
June 28, 2006 |
Brain Training:
One Piece Train Your Brain! Brain Power App (ワンピース頭を鍛えろっ!from脳力アプリ) is a puzzle/memory game that features the first 7 members of the Straw Hat crew. The game offered 4 different types of puzzles, from memorizing numbers and character block formations, to catching meat in a frying pan. Players could also try to compete for the best scores, with the app offering national rankings in each minigame.[37][38]
Release Date(s): |
July 27, 2006 |
Treasure Search Great Adventure:
Treasure Search Great Adventure (お宝捜索大冒険) is a sidescrolling platformer where the player controls a group of up to 4 Straw Hats in order to get them through various stages. The characters would run automatically while the player gave inputs to avoid enemies and traps; the overall goal to collect treasures that had fallen and clear the stage. There were a total of 27 stages offered.[39][40][41]
Release Date(s): |
October 16, 2006 |
RPG ~Grand Adventure~:
One Piece RPG ~Grand Adventure~ (ワンピースRPG~グランドアドベンチャー~) is an adventure/rpg that involves the first 7 memebers of the Straw Hat crew and generally follows the story up to the end of the Arabasta Arc. The game offered interesting battle mechanics against enemies and famous villains as well as multiple chapters with quests for the player to complete.[42]
You can find more on this game on its dedicated page: One Piece RPG ~Grand Adventure~
Release Date(s): |
November 16, 2006 |
Super Spot-Billed Duck Racing!:
Super Spot-Billed Duck Racing! (超カルガモレーシング!) is a racing game where the Straw Hats would ride atop of members of the Super Spot-Billed Duck Troops to race around various tracks for the goal of first place. Each character had their own special moves and each duck had varying stats such as its speed and maneuverability, giving rise to a number of different combinations for racing.[43][44]
Release Date(s): |
December 8, 2006 |
One Piece Cult King:
One Piece Cult King (ワンピースカルトキング) is a quiz game where the player tries to answer questions in various formats and as quickly as possible in order to win and clear the stage. At the bottom of the screen Luffy can be seen in a rowboat and has to make his way to the Going Merry while trying to avoid being eaten by a Sea King. As players answered questions correctly, Luffy would row closer to the Going Merry, only reaching the ship when the stage was cleared. If the player took too long, the Sea King would catch up and eat Luffy, meaning the player lost.
There were 5 different types of quizzes, or types of questions, the player could encounter: the true and false quiz (shown below with just an 'X' for false and 'O' for true), a general 4 choice quiz, a typing quiz that involved the player filling in answers, a spot the difference quiz where clouds would cover portions of the image shown, and lastly a "Famous Line Quiz" where players try to remember lines from famous scenes in the One Piece manga/anime. There were also two modes for a player to choose from, an easy mode that offered 3 of the 5 types of questions, and a normal mode offering all 5 types.[45][46]
Release Date(s): |
January 15, 2007 |
Pirate Striker:
One Piece Pirate Striker (ワンピースパイレーツストライカー) is a soccer game featuring multiple One Piece characters in teams of 4 vs 4. Rules are similar to standard soccer, with characters able to dribble, pass, kick, and play on both offense and defense. The overall goal is for the player to win multiple games in a row and place first in the Grand Line Tournament.[47][48]
Release Date(s): |
Original: |
February 6, 2007 |
Super NET: |
June 6, 2007 |
Full Throttle: |
March 31, 2008 |
One Piece Super Battle:
One Piece Super Battle (ワンピース スーパーバトル), and later evolutions of Super NET Battle and Super NET Battle ~Full Throttle~, is a 1v1, two dimensional fighting game that featured various One Piece characters and offered online battling and a ranking system for players to try and climb and show their skill. With each subsequent evolution into the next version of the game, more characters were released along with new stages and new mechanics to help give players more to do. The game also featured events with guest characters from Shounen Jump's other popular titles like Son Goku and Vegeta from Dragon Ball.[49][50]
You can find more on this game on its dedicated page: One Piece Super Battle
Release Date(s): |
March 1, 2007 |
One Piece Pinball:
One Piece Pinball (ワンピースピンボール) is a themed pinball game where players could play pinball that offered two different modes. The first mode is a standard pinball but with various unique ways to increase your score such as freeing an imprisoned character from the jail in the top right by hitting it with the ball 3 times. The second mode is slightly different with the player aiming to unlock treasures and is more reward based. The game also included a "Block Breaking" game as a bonus stage that could be reached. The game offered various difficulties and rewarded the player with Belly.[51][52]
Release Date(s): |
April 2, 2007 |
One Piece Pithlon:
One Pithlon (ワンピスロン) is a competitive minigame with various tasks that the player must complete as Luffy in order to obtain the best score.
There are a total of 4 different competitions that must be completed in order:
- Cannonball Return (砲弾返し) where Luffy has to deflect a cannonball with Gomu Gomu no Fuusen and aim for the furthest return distance. Nami can be called upon to help increase the distance using her Cyclone Tempo.
- Tower High Jump (塔高飛び) where Luffy has to jump vertically and punch through as many floors as possible, this time featuring Usopp who can assist by destroying an additional 5 floors.
- Sea King Knockout (海王類ノックアウト) where Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no Gatling to fight a giant sea squid while avoiding being hit by its tentacles. Zoro can be called upon to assist by cutting off one of the tentacles.
- Oversized Whole-Pie Eating (特大パイ一気喰い) where Luffy eats as many large pies in single bites in a time limit. Sanji can be called upon to help cut the pies into more manageable sizes.
Players could only request the help of 2 of the Straw Hats out of the 4 minigames and so had to choose which games they wanted help with in order to obtain the greatest score.[53][54]
Release Date(s): |
June 4, 2007 |
Treasure Capture (DASH)!!:
One Piece Treasure Capture (DASH)!! (ワンピース お宝奪取(DASH)!!) is an obstacle course/racing game where the player chooses a character to race against 3 others in order to get the treasure at the end of a stage. A variety of courses, like Water 7 and Upper Yard, were offered as courses and required the player to avoid traps and obstacles while also picking up items and attacking other characters in order to finish first. All these actions would award or deduct points and the player with the highest point total at the end of the race won. The three ways to obtain points were through Section Points, awarded for the players placement when completeing a section of a given course, Goal Points, which were awarded based on how the player placed at the the end of the course and reached the goal, and lastly Attack Points, which were tallied up based on the number of attacks the player landed against other characters minus how many times the player was hit themselves. At the end, the player would be awarded Belly which could be exchanged for additional characters and courses.[55][56]
Release Date(s): |
August 1, 2007 |
One Piece Slot:
One Piece Slot (ワンピーススロット) is a basic slot machine game where the player inserts Belly and tests their luck in order to win greater ammounts. The player can also go on voyages to different islands which was shown at the top of the slot machine. There, they can encounter other rival groups like the Buggy Pirates and spin in order to match symbols and defeat them. Players can use the Belly won to obtain more wallpapers and slot machine designs in game, or transfer the Belly earned to games like One Piece Super Battle in order to be used there.[57]
Release Date(s): |
September 2, 2007 |
Straw Hat Logic:
One Piece Straw Hat Logic (ワンピース 麦わらロジック) is a nonogram puzzle game where players create various pictures depicting the world of One Piece. The game offered both 10x10 and 15x15 formats and boasted over 300 different problems for players to complete. It also offered a story mode, which when beat would unlock an "Automatic Generation Mode" and give the player an automatically generated picture to complete each time they wanted one.[58][59]
Release Date(s): |
October 1, 2007 |
One Piece Moja Sugoroku:
One Piece Moja Sugoroku (ワンピース モジャスゴロク) is a sugoroku board game where players play as one of the Straw Hats and make their way across 1 of 4 different island in a race to get as much treasure as possible and reach the goal. Players start by choosing the island they want to play and who to play as, as well as the rival they will face. In typical board game fashion, players spin a roulette wheel for the number of squares to move, with the possibility of triggering various special events or obtaining treasures based on the square they land. Players can also reach forks in the path, giving players unique experiences based on the options they choose. Some squares have enemies shown which, when landed on, trigger a battle that the player has to beat, rewarding the player heavily if successful. In a similar sense, various Straw Hats can be seen waiting on squares and can join you to help fight enemies as you play. Additionally, as players completed games, more characters and rivals would be unlocked for the player to use.[60]
Release Date(s): |
January 16, 2008 |
Straw Hat Golf:
Straw Hat Gold ~Online Championship~ (麦わらゴルフ~オンライン選手権~) is a golf game featuring the characters of One Piece. Players were given 3 different modes to play, a Traing Mode for practice, a Treasure Mode where players could complete missions for rewards, and a Tournament Mode that allowed players to play online in small national tournaments. Courses were based off locations in the manga and characters played the game using their own abilities such as Luffy hitting the ball with his fist instead of using a club.[61]
Release Date(s): |
Original: |
January 16, 2008 |
Unlimited NET: |
- |
Unlimited Battle:
One Piece Unlimted Battle (ワンピース アンリミテッドバトル), and later Unlimited NET Battle, was the sequel to Super Battle and its evolutions, and boasted different mechanics and slightly better graphics. In Unlimited, characters were deployed in teams of two, where Super Battle involved one character having 2 lives, Unlimited had one life for each character. Players could switch out to the second character to use at any point but once one of the characters health reached 0, the player could only control the other character. The story mode, or Dramatic Battle, was redone from the original and all previous characters from the Super series were transferable, with new characters available for purchase or unlocking.[62]
You can find more on this game on its dedicated page: One Piece Unlimited Battle
Release Date(s): |
Original: |
February 14, 2008 |
Kuru Kuru Command Ver.: |
Yamabiko★Chopper :
Yamabiko★Chopper (やまびこ★チョッパー) is a sidescrolling adventure game where the player takes on the role of a Yamabiko, or mountain spirit, and guides Chopper on his journey down a mountain road to a village. Players could say things like "Dash!" and "Stop!" in order to have Chopper avoid pitfalls and prevent him from falling off cliffs. Players could also cheer Chopper on by saying "That's cool!" which in turn will help fill a Motivation Gauge at the bottom of the screen. If the Motivation Gauge dropped to zero, the player would lose, but this could be prevented by calling out or picking up items off the ground such as medicinal herbs and mushrooms. Generally, the player would see a sign that would warn them about the coming obstacles ahead as well as the microphone symbol lighting up to let them know its time to shout a command.
The game had 3 difficulties that corresponded with the time of day: Daytime, where it was bright out and Chopper stops automatically at the signs and waits for the player to call out a command, Dusk, where Chopper walks automatically and the player would need to pay attention so as not to miss signs, and Night, where Chopper continues to walk automatically but the player cant see the signs warning them ahead of time since it's too dark. The game was won when Chopper successfully completed the journey and reached the village.[63][64]
Release Date(s): |
March 4, 2008 |
One Piece Adventure ~The Greatest Feast in the History of Enkai Island~:
One Piece Adventure ~The Greatest Feast in the History of Enkai Island~ (ワンピースアドベンチャー~エンカイ島史上最大の宴~) is an rpg and visual novel involving the first 8 members of the Straw Hats aboard the Thousand Sunny as they chase a rumor of an island with hidden gold. The player could chose various storylines to follow which would change the outcome as well as unlock new choices and story branches with Pirate Points that they could obtain throughout the story.[65]
Release Date(s): |
May 1, 2008 |
Treasure Hunt on Treasure Island:
One Piece Treasure Hunt on Treasure Island (ワンピース 財宝島の宝探し) is a competitive digging game where the player would form a team of three characters and try to dig up treasures with greater value than the rival team. There was over 200 different treasure items that could appear with different values and players could continuously play to find every type. The overall goal was to have a treasure value greater than the rival team but the value was subject to change based on who was appraising, with higher compatibility between the chosen characters and the appraiser greatly affecting the overall value. Unfortunately, the appraiser was chosen at random at the beginning of the game. There were a total of 15 characters that could appear and be used.
In order to dig, players would have to select the "Dig" action and wait for a timer, of which at the end, a treasure would be found and placed on a conveyor belt at the top of the screen. One item was always guaranteed upon digging. Characters also had various skills that could help assist with digging or be used to attack the rival team in order to remove their treasure. Removing treasure required energy in order to perform. In addition, the player could use items to heal themselves or restore energy. Lastly, after appraisal, players could sell the various treasures at a shop where prices could fluctuate but overall would reward the player for the types of treasure they find.[66]
Release Date(s): |
June 30, 2008 |
RPG2: ~Thousand World~:
One Piece RPG2 ~Thousand World~ (ワンピースRPG2~サウザンドワールド~) is a sequel to the first One Piece RPG and continues the story from Skypiea to Thriller Bark. It also introduced new party mechanics and quality of life changes.[67]
You can find more on this game on its dedicated page: One Piece RPG2 ~Thousand World~
Release Date(s): |
March 2, 2009 |
One Piece ~Escape Game~:
One Piece ~Escape Game~ (ONE PIECE~脱出ゲーム~) is an escape room/puzzle game where the player helps one of the Straw Hat crew members escape from a room using the items inside as well as various clues.[68]
Release Date(s): |
October 1, 2009 |
Clash! Impel Down:
Clash! Impel Down (激闘!インペルダウン)[69]
Release Date(s): |
November 2, 2009 |
Clash! Sabaody Islands:
Clash! Sabaody Islands (激戦!シャボンディ諸島)[70]
Release Date(s): |
December 17, 2009 |
Clash! Marineford:
Clash! Marineford (激突!マリンフォード)[71]
Release Date(s): |
Original: |
March 17, 2010 |
September 29, 2011 |
One Piece RPG Chronicle & NEXT:
One Piece RPG Chronicle (ONE PIECE RPG クロニクル) is the third RPG to be released for Mobile Jack and allows the player to experience the story from the very beginning as well as offering multiple new modes. In additon to the Main Scenario, players could go on Sub-Quests which could vary in length. Additional Sub-Quests would be released monthly and could vary from being availble from release to needing to meet specific conditions in order to play through.[72][73]
You can find more on this game on its dedicated page: One Piece RPG Chronicle
One Piece RPG Chroincle NEXT:
One Piece RPG Chroincle NEXT (ONE PIECE RPG クロニクル NEXT) is the sequel to the first One Piece RPG Chronicle and the final One Piece RPG to come out for mobile phones. The game featured much of the same mechanics and game play from the original.[74]
You can find more on this game on its dedicated page: One Piece RPG Chronicle NEXT
Release Date(s): |
June 3, 2010 |
One Piece Card WARS!!:
One Piece Card WARS!! (ONE PIECE カードWARS!!) is a 1v1 card game where the player builds their own deck of cards featuring popular characters to play throughout a series of story battles or online. Decks consisted of 2 types of cards: Character Cards and Trap Cards. The goal was to compare each players attack power at the end of rounds to see who has the greater ammount, and then deal damage to each other, with the win condition being met when the opponents health reached 0. Players could partake in two different types of battles: Boss Battles or Ranked Battles, the first being battles against pre-built decks that would reward the players with new cards for beating the various bosses. Players could expect new bosses monthly in order to obtain new cards. The second mode, Ranked Battles, consisted of playing against decks built by other players that they could upload. By winning in Ranked Battles, the player could move up ranks and gain greater rewards.[75][76]
Release Date(s): |
June 9, 2011 |
One Piece Grand World:
One Piece Grand World (ワンピースグランドワールド) is an rpg that allows the player to own their own ship, create their own flag, and fight various bosses from the world of One Piece in order to become their own pirate king. The game boasts simple controls, with only needing to click through the story to make choices while fighting battles and expanding the players crew and bounty. Players could also battle online in national rankings and could gain or lose treasure based on if they won. Bosses included groups like the Buggy Pirates, Baroque Works, and Bliking Pirates as well as the Marines.[77]
One Piece Straw Hat Wars:
One Piece Straw Hat Wars Pirate Defense (ワンピース麦わらウォーズ 海賊ディフェンス) is a tower defense game that generally follows the story of One Piece up to the Thriller Bark Arc. The player could unlock access to the first 9 Straw Hats who could be deployed as their own turrents for use on stages as well as towers for hammering or slowing down the enemys as they arrived. The player had to protect the Thousand Sunny at the bottom of the screen who had a health of 20 HP. Most enemies delt 1 damage but some units, like bosses, would deal more. There were a total of 10 story areas, each with a boss that the player had to defeat. Straw Hats and the bosses could launch special moves that could do more damage and make it easier/harder for the player to win the round. Lastly, players could upgrade the member of the Straw Hats as well as the individual turrets in Usopp's shop with the goal they would gain from clearing rounds.
You can find more on this game on its dedicated page: One Piece Straw Hat Wars Pirate Defense
One Piece Don! With Puzzle:
One Piece Don! With Puzzle (ワンピース パズルでドン!)[78]
One Piece Millionaire:
One Piece Millionaire (ワンピース大富豪)[78]
Chopper and Amida Forest:
Chopper and Amida Forest (チョッパーとアミダの森)[78]