

C02: Luffy

Series: One Piece Hyper Battle
Set: First Stage
Released: November, 1999
Rule Set(s): All
Card Name: Luffy ルフィ
Title: Gomu Gomu no Pistol ゴムゴムの銃
Mark(s): 賊 武 L
Type(s): Devil Fruit/Skill Power: 250
Description: When you put this card onto the field, discard a card from the deck. This card can be put on the field any number of times in the same battle.
このカードを場に出すとき、山札からカードを1枚 捨て札にする。このカードは同じ戦闘で何枚でも場に出すことができる。
Flavor Text: Look at these skills I've trained for 10 years!