

C116: Nami

Series: One Piece Hyper Battle
Set: 3rd Stage
Released: March, 2000
Rule Set(s): Any
Card Name: Nami ナミ
Title: Sudden Farewell 突然の別れ
Mark(s): 賊 知
Type(s): Wisdom Power: 0
Description: When you play this card, discard all cards from your field including this card. Then, draw (number of cards discarded) + 1 and add it to your hand.
自分の場に出ているすべてのカード (このカードを含む) を捨て札にする。その後捨てた枚数より1枚多くカードを山札から引き、手札に加える。
Flavor Text: I'll see you again when I get a chance ♡