

C121: Sanji

Series: One Piece Hyper Battle
Set: 3rd Stage
Released: March, 2000
Rule Set(s): Any
Card Name: Sanji サンジ
Title: Invincible Waiter 無敵のウエイター
Mark(s): 料 L
Type(s): Cooking Power: 150
Description: While this card is on the field, (Cooking) cards on your field, except this card, cannot be discarded by the ability of cards played by other players.
このカードが場に出ている間、自分の場に出てる (料理) カード(このカードは除く)は他のプレイヤ一の出したカードの能力では捨て札にならない
Flavor Text: You still have some left, eat it!!