

C197: Johnny

Series: One Piece Hyper Battle
Set: Grand Box 2
Released: July, 2000
Rule Set(s): Any
Card Name: Johnny ジョニー
Title: Razor-Thin Escape 紙一重の脱出
Mark(s): 剣 知 L
Type(s): Swordsman/Wisdom Power: 250
Description: If a card with a base power of 350 or more enters another player's field after this card has been played, this card is returned to the bottom of the deck.
このカードが場に出ている間に、(変化前の) パワーが350以上のカードが他のプレイヤーの場に出たら、このカードは山札の1番下に戻す。
Flavor Text: What bad luck for you...