

C49: Kaya

Series: One Piece Hyper Battle
Set: Second Stage
Released: January, 2000
Rule Set(s): All
Card Name: Kaya カヤ
Title: Hope for the Future 未来への希望
Mark(s): 民 知
Type(s): Citizen Power: 100
Description: You may draw 3 cards from the deck and add them to your hand. However, you will lose 1 game point. If you do not add them to your hand, you do not lose any game points.
山札からカードを3枚引き、手札に加えてもよい。 ただし、自分はゲームポイントを1点失う。 手札に加えなければゲームポイントは失わない。
Flavor Text: I've got something I want to do.