

S20: Nami

Series: One Piece Hyper Battle
Set: Grand Box
Released: February, 2000
Rule Set(s): EX Rule, Grand Rule
Card Name: Nami ナミ
Title: Super Dash スーパーダッシュ
Mark(s): Special
Type(s): Special Power: 100
Description: All cards in play other than (Special) cards are returned to the bottom of each players deck. You can only have 3 of this card in your deck.
場に出ている (特殊) カード以外のすべてのカードは山札の1番下に戻る。このカードはデッキに3枚しか入れられない。
Flavor Text: This is bad! The treasure is in danger!
わるいっ! 宝が危ないの