

S31: Krieg

Series: One Piece Hyper Battle
Set: 3rd Stage
Released: March, 2000
Rule Set(s): EX Rule, Grand Rule
Card Name: Krieg クリーク
Title: Fleet Commander 艦隊司令官
Mark(s): Special
Type(s): Special Power: 500
Description: Discard 3 cards from the deck. During the Lost Phase, instead of being discarded, all (Battalion) cards on your field are added back to your hand after replenishing from your deck.
山札を3枚捨て札にする。ロストフェイズで、自分の場の (軍団) カードは捨て札にならない。これらのカードは手札の補充の後、手札に加える。
Flavor Text: I'm right here, you don't need to make a fuss about it.