

S33: Luffy

Series: One Piece Hyper Battle
Set: 4th Stage
Released: June, 2000
Rule Set(s): EX Rule, Grand Rule
Card Name: Luffy ルフィ
Title: Working Odd Jobs 雑用ただ働き
Mark(s): Special
Type(s): Special Power: 100
Description: Discard all “Luffy” cards on the field, except for “Working Odd Jobs”. However, (Special) cards cannot be discarded.
場に出ている『雑用ただ働き』以外のすべての「ルフィ」を捨て札にする。ただし (特殊) カードは捨てふだ札にできない。
Flavor Text: I'll do the chores now! Pleased to meet you!