

S50: Arlong

Series: One Piece Hyper Battle
Set: Grand Box 2
Released: July, 2000
Rule Set(s): EX Rule, Grand Rule
Card Name: Arlong アーロン
Title: The Power of Fish-Men 魚人の力
Mark(s): Special
Type(s): Special Power: 100 → 800
Description: The number of (Fish-Man) cards on your field determines the power of this card (0 cards → 100, 1 card → 200, 2-3 cards → 400, 4 or more cards → 800).
自分の場に出ている (魚人) カードの枚数で、このカードのパワーは決定する (0枚→100、1枚→200、2~3枚→400、4枚以上→800)。
Flavor Text: This is the difference in power between a Fish-Man and a human.