The Event Battle is a series of 7 battles that each playable character can go through with their own unique story line, with the fourth battle always being the Kung-Fu Dugong minigame. This can be done on each of the three difficulty settings (changed in the Options Menu) with character unlocks and greater rewards recieved on the hardest difficulty. It is the top-left option from the Main Menu.
While Luffy's route is the most in-line with canon events, and has the most dialogue, all characters story routes generally follow the plot of the Arabasta Arc. All of the Straw Hats have their final battle against Crocodile in the Alubarna Royal Catacombs, with the latter 5 (Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, and Chopper) coming to rescue Vivi instead of the canon final duel with Luffy.
The remaining characters have a build up to the final fight in the Catacombs against characters they have history with in the canon story such as Tashigi vs. Zoro and Mr. 2 Bon Kurei vs. Sanji. More often than not these routes have the player face off against the same character multiple times.
At the end of each route the character gets a little dialogue and a congratulations screen before the credits. Wanted Posters are rewarded after credits as well as character unlocks, though there is no screen alerting the player of the unlock.
Lastly, the player is given 5 lives to get through a route, with a continue option given after every life. After 5 lives the player is given a game over screen and sent to the start menu where they can start again from the beginning.
Author's Note: The latter 5 Straw Hats (Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, & Chopper) all have the same opening scene between Vivi and Crocodile for their final battle. The dialogue can be found towards the bottom and can be quickly gotten to using the navigation menu on the right.
Battle 1: Luffy vs. Sanji |
Reverse Mountain:
ルフィ!! てめぃは食いすぎだ!!!!
Luffy!! You're eating too much food!!!! |
いいじゃねぃか!! ハラがへったら食うんだ
There's nothing wrong with that!! I have to eat when I'm hungry |
俺はナミさんにもっと!! ナミさんにもっと。。。
I want to save food for Nami-san!! |
食ってほしかったんだぞ!! コラャ!!
Nami-san should have more to eat!! *koryaa!!* |
Whiskey Peak:
Just because you didn't like the food.. |
Doesn't mean you can cut down the whole town! |
Luffy... They were all enemies.. |
Enemies don't give you food!! |
I'll send your ungrateful ass flying!! |
このウスラバカが!!!! 殺されて文句害うなよ!!
You dim-witted idiot!!!! Don't complain if you get killed!! |
Battle 3: Luffy vs. Smoker |
Nanohana Harbor:
Smokey!! |
Strawhat!!!! |
やはり来たか、この国に。。 大卜しく捕まりやがれ!!
You've come to this country after all.. I'm arresting you here big shot!! |
Battle 5: Luffy vs. Crocodile Round 1 |
Rainbase: クロコダイル。。。 お前は俺がここで仕留める
Crocodile... I'll take care of you right here. |
クハハハハ。。。 救えねェバカだな
*Kuahahaha* You're a fool.. |
dying for someone elses sake. |
I've seen plenty of losers like you in my time. |
Then you're an idiot. |
。。。いいだろう。 格の違いを見せてやる!!
...alright then. I'll show you the difference in class between us. |
もう遊びはここまでだ。。。 麦わらのルフィ。。。
I'm done playing around with you.. Straw Hat Luffy... |
oooo... |
Meeeeeeat!!!!!! |
Uaaa~ |
Crocodileeeeee!!!! |
Battle 6: Luffy vs. Crocodile Round 2 |
Alubarna Palace:
It's nice to be in the royal palace, isn't it? |
A great place to look down upon all the assholes! |
Crocodileeeeee!!!! |
Straw Hat...!!? |
もう負けねェぞ!! こっからがケンカだ!!!!
I'm not going to lose again!! Prepare yourself!!!! |
Looks like you want to get stabbed again!! |
You're making me use unnecessary energy... |
またお前の負けだったな 麦わらのルフィ。。。
You lost again Straw Hat Luffy... |
Battle 7: Luffy vs. Crocodile Final |
Alubarna Royal Catacombs: !!てめェ。。。
You punk... |
How many times do I have to kill you!!? |
I won't give up until I blow you away!! |
Theres things in this world you can't do anything to stop!! |
No matter how much you want to help your friends... |
I'll remind them that they were no match for me!!!! |
I'm not going to lose... |
to someone like you!!!! |
You can't beat me!! |
俺は。。。 海賊王になる男だ!!!!
I'm the man who's going to become king of the pirates!!!! |
Whiskey Peak:
Little Garden:
Battle 3: Zoro vs. Tashigi |
Nanohana Harbor:
Alubarna Royal Catacombs:
Whiskey Peak:
Little Garden:
Nanohana Harbor:
Battle 5: Nami vs. Ms. All Sunday |
Alubarna Palace:
Alubarna Clocktower:
Alubarna Royal Catacombs:
Reverse Mountain:
Battle 2: Usopp vs. Chopper |
Drum Island:
Battle 3: Usopp vs. Tashigi |
Nanohana Harbor:
Battle 5: Usopp vs. Smoker |
Alubarna Palace:
Alubarna Royal Catacombs:
Little Garden:
Battle 2: Sanji vs. Chopper |
Drum Island:
Battle 3: Sanji vs. Smoker |
Nanohana Harbor:
Battle 5: Sanji vs. Ms. All Sunday |
Alubarna Royal Catacombs:
Battle 1: Chopper vs. Sanji |
Drum Island:
Battle 2: Chopper vs. Nami |
Nanohana Harbor:
Battle 3: Chopper vs. Tashigi |
Battle 5: Chopper vs. Ms. All Sunday |
Alubarna Clocktower:
Battle 6: Chopper vs. Mr. 2 |
Alubarna Royal Catacombs:
Battle 1: Tashigi vs. Smoker |
Marine Headquarters:
Battle 2: Tashigi vs. Usopp |
Nanohana Harbor:
Battle 3: Tashigi vs. Zoro |
Battle 5: Tashigi vs. Mr. 2 |
Alubarna Palace:
Battle 6: Tashigi vs. Ms All Sunday |
Alubarna Clocktower:
Battle 7: Tashigi vs. Zoro |
Alubarna Royal Catacombs:
Battle 1: Smoker vs. Tashigi |
Marine Headquarters:
Battle 2: Smoker vs. Luffy |
Nanohana Harbor:
Battle 5: Smoker vs. Mr. 2 |
Alubarna Palace:
Battle 6: Smoker vs. Mr. 1 |
Alubarna Clocktower:
Battle 7: Smoker vs. Luffy |
Alubarna Royal Catacombs:
Mr. 2:
Little Garden:
Battle 3: Mr. 2 vs. Chopper |
Nanohana Harbor:
Alubarna Clocktower:
Alubarna Palace:
Alubarna Royal Catacombs:
Mr. 1:
Little Garden:
Battle 3: Mr. 1 vs. Chopper |
Nanohana Harbor:
Alubarna Palace:
Alubarna Clocktower:
Alubarna Royal Catacombs:
Ms. All Sunday:
Battle 1: Ms. All Sunday vs. Luffy |
Whiskey Peak:
Battle 2: Ms. All Sunday vs. Chopper |
Nanohana Harbor:
Battle 3: Ms. All Sunday vs. Sanji |
Battle 5: Ms. All Sunday vs. Nami |
Alubarna Palace:
Battle 6: Ms. All Sunday vs. Tashigi |
Alubarna Clocktower:
Battle 7: Ms. All Sunday vs. Luffy |
Alubarna Royal Catacombs:
Battle 1: Crocodile vs. Zoro |
Whiskey Peak:
Battle 2: Crocodile vs. Nami |
Nanohana Harbor:
Battle 3: Crocodile vs. Smoker |
Battle 5: Crocodile vs. Sanji |
Alubarna Palace:
Battle 6: Crocodile vs. Luffy |
Alubarna Palace:
Battle 7: Crocodile vs. Luffy |
Alubarna Royal Catacombs:
Drum Island:
Nanohana Harbor:
Battle 6: Ace vs. Crocodile |
Alubarna Palace:
Alubarna Royal Catacombs:
Straw Hat Route Final Battle Opening Dialogue |
Alubarna Royal Catacombs:
Kung Fu Dugong Minigame: